This is Hal Jordan, also known as the super-hero/intergalactic policeman The Green Lantern, made famous after being depicted in the eponymous 2011 summer blockbuster/cinematic masterpiece by renowned thespian Ryan Reynolds. Now, on the surface, Hal Jordan and Presidential Candidate Governor Mitt Romney may seem to have little in common, save for a passing resemblance, a preference for the color green, and the distinguished hairstyle favored by gracefully aging men.
But let's not forget! In 1994, after failing to save Coast City from destruction at the hands of an intergalactic terrorist and noted herbologist, Hal Jordan went crazy, declared war on the his own bosses (The Guardians of the Universe), stole his fellow Green Lanterns' rings (leaving them for dead in the vacuum of space), viciously murdered his extremist mentor from his youth, and then drained the central Power Battery, thus leaving the universe unprotected and costing many of his Green Lantern colleagues their jobs (and in some cases, their lives). And even after all this, he then used proceeded to us heinously gained power to attempt to remake the universe in his own image on numerous occasions.
Hal Jordan would later return to hero-ing, and blame all of this misdeeds, along with his dashing salt-and-pepper look from the 1990s, on being possessed an intergalactic "Fear Entity" known as Parallax, a name that Jordan had once employed himself.
Now I'm not saying Hal Jordan is Mitt Romney. I'm not saying the uncanny resemblance between the two should even suggest the actions of a person (this would be like suggesting a black man running for President was a Secret Muslim, or a terrorist). No, I'm not saying any of this. I'm just asking the question - do YOU really want to elect Mitt Romney for president, when all that stands between him and total abdication of all wrongdoing is a bottle of Just for Men and a "Fear Entity" away?
Sometimes I worry.
John Wiswell
October 6, 2012 at 12:15 AMThis was the most enjoyable political commentary I have read since early in the republican primamry race.
October 6, 2012 at 9:58 AM