A Closer Look at Calamity Cash

Justin has a more in-depth look at how he puts a page together over on his blog [re: Calamity Cash and the Town with No Name]. Justin's always been really good about sharing his work and progress on the book, but this entry really goes into his process, and how he approaches doing a page, and I think if we were looking at "Calamity Cash" in more of a DC prestige format, there'd probably be a lot of content like this in the back of the book.

When we first started talking about doing this, I encouraged Justin to take down things like ideas in his head, or how he was fabricating certain pages while he was working, so that we might use it as a special feature/DVD extra in the book itself. This blog was also for that -- a good place to grab some quick reference material that might be put in the final volume for when we had it printed. Mind you, back then I didn't think my script would be more than 28 pages at the most, and I thought with posters and extra content,we might stretch it to 32 pages, a fun, respectable amount that to me always made a book feel special [clear carry-over from my Marvel/DC love -- a 32-page-special always felt just as advertised. On some level, I am still 13]. This was before my script got out of hand, and we ended up with just shy of twice that. Ridiculous of me, but Justin has soldiered forward despite the length.

I guess you could look at it like we're innovating. We're giving you special features before the finished product.

And also! If you have a blog, a tumblr, website, or just a burning [not that kind of burning] love of horror films, I'm hoping to put together a series of Best Horror Films of the Past Decade here on the site, and am looking for guest bloggers. You can volunteer either in the comments of this post [or those preceding it], e-mail me at mojo.wire.productions@gmail.com, or contact me on Facebook. Naturally, there will be plenty of promotion of whatever place on the internet you call home.

I've already gotten a couple people on board, and it would be rad if I could get a whole week's worth.


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