This is the headline over on friend of the Mojo Wire's John Wiswell's blog the Bathroom Monologues.His youngest cousin was born with cystic fibrosis, which means this kid has been fighting every single day of his life, and now his liver is failing. Will’s blood type is A, and so he requires either an A or O-donor. The details are better covered on John's blog - but spreading this as far and wide as you can would mean a great deal to me, because it would mean a great deal to John, and most importantly, it'd save a boy's life.
Spare a moment, and spread the word. I know the internet has made us all cynical to stuff like this, but this is legit. The world's a nasty, dastardly place to good people - but we can hit it back with kindness, folks.
Thank you very much for helping, Randall.
John Wiswell
June 20, 2012 at 2:30 PM