Kind of strange looking, most definitely homemade [and I mean that in the absolute best way], and proof positive that Justin's theory about mailing anything flat with a stamp totally flies. Not unlike the fish pictured.
The really cool thing, of course, was the message on the back:

One of the best parts about going to art school. Little projects sent to you via snail mail.
I don't know if you're reading, Jessie, but thank you, so much. This was a really nice thing to find, buried between bank statements and Entertainment Weekly, and I really appreciate it. For anyone reading who doesn't know Jessie, she was unfortunate enough to get sucked into my Super Smash Bros obsession Senior Year, which came with plenty of freshman hazing, something that particularly sucked for her because she was our only freshman. In retrospect, because of this card, and because of her strict compliance to my nonsensical "only pussies block" rule, I wish I'd given her less of a hard time.
All joking aside, this was really nice, and just another reminder that I have a lot reasons to get back to New England again [I know, I know... but I just got back, and I haven't even finished writing about that...].
Other things. Had a really cool weekend with my friend Dave, going to hold off on talking about it until I see if a picture from the little outing turns up first. Expect a few bad pictures of awesome things -- I had a great time, and I was still feeling pretty under the weather beforehand.
Also! In support of my friends, I must insist you go watch the new episode of "Huge" in support of my friend Savannah [it is her show, after all], and there's also a pretty great interview with her and her mom Winnie "My So Called Life" Holzerman, about working together on the show. I love when writers are interviewed [can't imagine why], and just found the whole thing incredibly cool. And while we're talking about supporting people, fellow blogger [way more big time than your's truly] Hannah Miet has a Kickstarter project going to finance her book of poetry: "Hello, Absurd World: A Book of Five Minute Poems." If you can give, I hope you will, especially since with 27 days left on the schedule she's already raised 88% of her costs. Every little bit helps, and it's really easy to give if you have PayPal.
Finally, on a more somber note, Harvey Pekar died at the beginning of this past week. I actually had this idea in my head for this big post about him, about how great and influential he was, just about how he looked at comics and saw something more there than most people did -- but then I thought about the Harvey Pekar I knew from his books and television, and all the interviews, and thought he'd actually be pretty disgusted at some big outpouring for him from this kid he didn't even know. So instead, go watch this, this, and this as he gives David Letterman a headache and ulcers, and read about some of his accomplishments on Bleeding Cool, CBR, and Newsarama. And thank you, Mr. Pekar... for making me feel like it was okay that I just wanted to write about bitchy people and the minutiae of their lives. If I ever figure out how to make that work for me in the capes and tits world of comic books, then I think some of the credit will have to go to you.
Which, you know. Means I should probably get better at it. I have his book about The Beats next up in my rotation. Sort of takes on a whole new weight.
EDIT: In the glut of blogs I read, I missed Eric M. Esquivel's own personal tribute to Pekar over at Mod Myth proper. I suggest going to give it a read, now.
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